When Penketh Interiors met with the client, the ambition for the space was clear:
- This needed to be a bright, airy, inviting space that the team feels proud to bring clients to and where and employees love to work.
- To put functional usability and employee wellbeing at the forefront of design decision-making.
- The space needed to aesthetically reflect the brand visually in a subtle and understated way that didn’t rely on large logo wall decals.
- The office needed to be open and spacious so that employees can move freely between a diverse variety of work settings designed to support agile choice and control.
“We wanted something completely different from what we had. Our current offices were very old-fashioned so we wanted something very light, very fresh, bold colours, lots of space and features that send a message to the staff that we are serious about providing them with a pleasant environment to work in.”
– Vincent Verzijl, Managing Director, Banks & Lloyd.
The client had also recognised an increased need for more small-scale employee interaction on a more casual level, wanting to move away from exclusively using “meeting rooms with closed doors”.