Technology spaces > meeting and boardroom technology

Technology for meeting rooms and boardrooms

The most successful companies are those that encourage collaboration. Research by office furniture manufacturer Steelcase discovered that employees within the top performing organisations typically spend 23% more time working with their colleagues. Collaboration can take multiple forms, from two people putting their heads together to solve a problem, to a small workshop or business conference where teams come together to share ideas. In today’s hybrid workplace, flexibility is key and our workspaces must provide a variety of adaptable meeting spaces capable of supporting various modes of collaborative work.

Technology holds the key when it comes to maximising the potential of your office boardroom and meeting space. Modern collaboration demands collective, interactive viewing of data and resources. At Penketh Interiors, we are experts at creating bespoke tech-rich collaborative boardroom and meeting spaces that encourage creativity and promote productivity. Our settings are equipped with the right mix of the latest digital tools, such as smart boards and advanced audio-visual technology ensuring your people can power up and work seamlessly regardless of the task at hand.

How we implement technology for meeting and conference rooms

Every business requires a unique solution. At Penketh Interiors our process for selecting meeting and boardroom technology for your workplace starts with a deep dive into your culture. Exploring where and how your people team up enables us to recommend the right mix of collaborative technology. We’ll ask questions such as:

  • Do you want a variety of meeting spaces to support multiple teams and tasks?
  • Will your boardroom be a formal space, or would you prefer a hybrid environment?
  • Do you require video conferencing technology?
  • Do you use AV equipment for presentations, and for larger spaces would system integration help to drive efficiencies?
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The benefits of meeting & boardroom technology

Although typically perceived as a more traditional setting, the office boardroom can actually be one of the most modern and tech driven spaces within the workplace. When selected and integrated strategically, the right technology will become an integral part of everyday collaborative interactions.  

Aswell as reducing the need for frequent travel, a dedicated video conferencing solution brings individuals together instantly, regardless of location or time zones, making collaboration seamless. This can maximise efficiencies and quickly provide the right return on investment.  

The introduction of interactive smart boards, enables teams to share content, notes and reports instantly, without the need to send or retrieve bulky files.  

Huddling around a laptop, wondering why there’s no sound, or trying to guess where that disembodied voice is coming from will become a distant memory as working together becomes a pleasure, rather than a chore as creativity and enthusiasm flow freely between colleagues, whether they’re in the room or the other side of the world. 

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Our office technology showrooms

Ready to explore the exciting possibilities of collaborative meeting and boardroom technology? Why not arrange a visit to our showroom in central Manchester and discover first-hand how integrated tech can transform your boardroom and meeting spaces.

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Whether you’re looking for inspiration, have a workplace issue you need to overcome, or you’re ready to embark upon an entire project, our team of experts are ready to listen.

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