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Staff Spotlight: A sneek peak into the world of Shelley Hatton

In the next installment of our Staff Spotlights, we take a look behind the scenes of our in-house Interior Designer, Shelley Hatton. We get her tips on how to find inspiration when working from home and how she hopes to see working life evolve over the coming months. As the new year fast approaches, we also get her expert insight on what office design trends she expects to see gaining traction as move into 2021 and beyond. Oh, and not to forget the latest recommendations from our keen podcast listener…

1. Hey Shelley! How have you found adapting to working life over the past few months?

Initially really odd and unsettling to be entirely home-based, then I got into the groove of it (I’m sure it had nothing to do with an afternoon Friday beer…)  but the longer it goes on I’m finding that I’m craving actually physically being around my work pals! I think it’s quite testing at times to spend 24/7 with your other half and having to subtly dip out of a video call every now and then to go and rescue the cats latest catch is getting a bit old. I’m really looking forward to a balance when we get to a new normal. Four o’clock beers will be staying but I’ll also get to spend time with my work family too – might even hug them if it’s allowed…

2. What are you missing most about life in the Penketh Interiors office?

I miss Hump Day treats (aka cake for breakfast) and our brainstorming sessions that never really feel like work because we’re all such nerds. I miss the people and the banter the most. Nobody shouts “the floor is lava” at home and there are no ten minute rounds of tag and I’ve heard all of my husbands jokes…

3. What are your tips on finding inspiration and creativity when working remotely?

Making sure that you take a break definitely helps. It’s so easy to sit at the desk and stay there for hours on end but the longer I’m there, the less motivated I get. Every half hour or so I try and force my lazy self up and into the kitchen, stick my head into the garden if it’s not raining, make a drink, stretch, cuddle a passing cat. I’m really lucky to be only a few minutes drive from the beach so getting out there on a dry day to blow the cobwebs out over lunch works wonders for me.

4. What interior design trends are you expecting to emerge throughout 2021?

Sustainability is absolutely a key factor – whether that’s in the actual materials or the process of manufacture. Camira released a new fabric ‘Oceanic’ that’s made entirely from the plastic debris that’s been discarded into the seas and I can see that being popular. We’re so conscious of wellbeing in the workplace as commercial designers but I think in general the world is upping its game with regard to incorporating more nature into our modern world. Dulux have announced their colour for 2021 as ‘Brave Ground’ which is a super earthy tone and while it definitely needs a strong palette to elevate it, it’s a great base shade to work with.

Click for more on our experts’ interior design and office refurbishment trend predictions for 2021

5. We know how you love a good podcast… do you have any great recommendations for us?  

Yes!!! If you’re in the mood for thinking and expanding your mind then ONEOFTHE8 is the one. Off Menu with James Acaster & Ed Gamble is an absolute gem (is it because I like food, even when it’s imagery? Maybe…) Oh, and if I’m really game for some gutter listening Katherine Ryan’s Telling Everybody Everything… yes.

Fancy another Staff Spotlight? Click here to catch up with Martin Taylor

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