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Penketh Interiors raise £8000 for The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity

We are proud to announce that we have raised a massive reached our £8000 for The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity in 2016.

At Penketh Interiors, we love to support deserving charities and throughout the year have held a range of fundraising events including a BBQ, Bake Off, a Coastal walk, ‘Wear a Wig’ day and a Christmas jumper day.

We have also raised a significant amount of money through our cartridge recycling service. At Penketh Interiors, we collect empty printer toner cartridges from office buildings and recycle them. Businesses simply ask us for one of our cardboard toner collection bins, then and then we collect any empty cartridges when we deliver the next order.

The £8000 raised for The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity will go directly towards a new specialist cancer hospital in the heart of Liverpool. The money will fund eight state-of-the-art TVs for patients, providing a choice of games, movies and internet access, all for free.

Elspeth Wilson, Fundraising Manager at The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity, said: “We were over the moon when Penketh Interiors chose The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity as their charity of the year for 2016. We are so grateful to all the staff for raising an incredible £8000 in 2016, which will fund eight interactive patient TVs in the new hospital in Liverpool. This is a state-of-the-art entertainment system for each inpatient bed. Unlike many hospitals, all services (including internet, choice of games, movies) will be delivered free of charge.

“We really enjoyed welcoming Sue, Sandy and Rob at the hospital to hear more about the New Cancer Hospital Appeal and to show them how their team’s incredibly generous donations will make a difference and help to transform cancer care for future generations.
“To everyone at Penketh Interiors, thank you!”

Sue Taylor, Corporate Responsibility Manager for Penketh Interiors, said: “As a family-run business, we love to get involved in supporting the work of local charities and each year we select a different cause to support. “Last year, we set ourselves a target of raising £8,000 for The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity and were delighted to hit it. The money we have raised will help to fund fantastic support services that may otherwise be unavailable.”

Cheque for Clatterbridge

In 2017, Penketh Interiors will sponsor four different charities with four separate charity events throughout the year. The first event, a sponsored walk up Snowdon, will be held in April and will raise money for the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS). Find out more about NYAS here.

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