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How to plan an office relocation

As we prepared to move into our new Manchester home at Bruntwood’s Neo, we look at how you too can plan an office relocation.

View the relocation as an opportunity for change

An office relocation can often be viewed as being a stressful time but look at it in a different way and it can be a great opportunity for change.

Looking to eliminate bad habits amongst staff and reinvigorate morale? Now could be just the time. Anything from refining office culture to getting a good filing system in place and decluttering could be a real positive of the move.

Sitstand-desk with storage

Reconsider the office furniture

It’s great to make staff feel involved in the moving process. It may be that staff feel tied to a desk and would work better if there was a private space they could work in that would allow them to focus more. Try asking them what they would like to see in the new office (in terms of what they need and what would help them work better in the new space). Find out more about what we offer at Penketh Interiors here.

Workers in the UK report that they are less likely to feel calm and relaxed when at work and this could stem from feeling a lack of control in the workplace. Give workers more control by giving them choice. Businesses that are offering staff a range of different areas to work, such as collaborative areas, social spaces and private spaces, are seeing greater levels of engagement amongst their staff.

Take a fresh look at where you sit your staff

Every workforce goes through changes. While it is a good idea to regularly evaluate how you can help your staff reach their full potential – whether that is through additional training or buddying up with a colleague – an office relocation is the perfect time to do it.

Value mentoring opportunities by sitting the staff member that is a few months off retirement next to the office junior so these valuable skills don’t leak from the company. Or encourage the millennial proficient in the latest technologies to mentor an employee who may be struggling with the company’s new IT systems.


Consider alternative IT solutions

Employing certain technologies can make a massive difference to the way your business works. It can make processes more efficient and position the business as an innovative and forward-thinking company.

An office relocation is the ideal time to look at the IT systems you have in place and evaluate how effective they are for you. Just because they worked once, doesn’t mean they still do. Mobile working is only going to become more important over the coming years, but most companies don’t yet have the technology that allows staff to work in a more agile manner.

Ensure you have efficient and accurate office planning in place

Carefully planning your office to ensure that you make the most of the space you have is super important if you are to have the optimum layout for your workplace.

Why not take a look at our site survey service, which includes everything you need to comply with Health & Safety regulations.

  • Prepare and issue risk assessment and method statements
  • On site health and safety site induction
  • Delivery & installation team that follow SafeContractor and ConstructionLine standards

Ensuring that you have all the boxes ticked will minimise the risks involved as well as any downtime for your business. It all helps to ensure a smooth relocation process.

Office Planning

Use the move as an opportunity to health check any furniture you are moving

A move is a great time to check over all the furniture you have accumulated over the years. It is important to regularly check your furniture to ensure that the quality has been maintained, check if anything needs to be repaired and use the move as an opportunity to review what you’ve got. You can then decide how to rework the furniture for your new space.

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